Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Let's Stick Together

I don't get why some mothers don't stick together. Can we not all admit that there are days when the kids have driven us so crazy that we want to run away? Is that too taboo? Or are we suppose to pretend that we are cool, calm and collected all the time? Why is there sometimes this competition and a lack of sympathy and understanding amongst mothers? Why can't we all work together, admit our flaws, share our joys, and vent our frustrations, without fear of being judged "a bad mom" or "not enjoying the blessings we have."

Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm too honest about motherhood. Maybe I should pretend I'm the dainty little housewife who is married to the town minister and wakes up every morning with butterflies fluttering throughout my home.

FYI I don't wear a long silk gown to bed and some mornings I forget to brush my teeth.

I get up every morning at 6am to prepare for my day. I have a heart condition that requires me to take medicine in order to really be able to breath and the medicine takes a little over an hour to really kick in. There for I have to get up at least two hours before the kids do or I am physically unable to care for them. Once the medicine kicks in it helps keep my heart pumping at a normal pace, along with my pacemaker, but it makes me drowsy.

Being drowsy with a 2 year old and a 5 year old makes for an exhausting day.

My husband is currently a full time minister, a full time seminary student, a full time father and a full time husband. Starting the end of August life gets a little more complicated. Monday he leaves the house at 6am to study before class. He doesn't get home from class until 10pm. Tuesday he works all day then goes to class all evening....returns at 10pm. Wednesday he works all day....returns at 10:30pm. By Thursday I feel like I have been beat with a hammer. My arms ache, my back aches, my feet ache, my head aches, and my heart feels as if it is on its last beat. Thursday....another work day but he gets to be home for dinner!!!

I don't see it that I have it harder than any other parent. It is just different. Parenthood is hard. It is a joy but it is hard. It is like the bike at the farmers market that is hooked up to the smoothie maker. In order to make your own smoothie you have to peddle the bike really fast and it gets really hard.....you get tired. but at the end you get to enjoy your smoothie.

Raising children is like that. It is a LOT of hard work but at the end you receive a great reward.

What annoys the utter crap out of me is the lack of realness in people. The mask that some parents hide behind in order to elevate themselves above others "look at me....I am such a wonderful parent!" give me a break. I know you get annoyed that every single time you get out of the car you have to lug a whole other person...or two...or three...or four...and an ungodly amount of crap. I know you get tired of cleaning up spilled drinks. I know you get frustrated when you have spent all day answering "but why" and explaining over and over how "we are suppose to treat others." I know that you feel your space is evaded when any time you attempt to go to the bathroom little fingers appear under the door "can you see my fingers?" I know there are moments in the day when you think "can I just have a minute....just one minute to check to see if my brain is still working?" I know every now and then you get extremely tired of a little person crawling all over you any time you decided to sit down. I also know that you couldn't be happier with your decision to be a parent but that you would like to vent your frustrations every now and then.

Parenthood brings all the emotions you could ever have and crams them into one single day.....over and over and over again.

Morning breakfast = yay they are in a great mood...ME TOO

two year old melt down = oh my GOSH

5 year old know it all = whatever, i'm done explaining to someone who thinks he is smarter than me

a few hours at the park = aaah yes. I am so blessed to have these beautiful children

trying to get them down for nap = i'm too tired to even move. I want to cry. can I have a meltdown?

afternoon snack = yay ICE CREAM on the back porch. This is the life. parenthood ROCKS!

trying to fix dinner with the kids yelling in the living room = HELP I feel so alone. I want to cry

snuggling for a bedtime story book = these are the sweetest kids EVER and I LOVE them

being awakened in the middle of the night = I'm going to have a melt down if he/she doesn't go back to bed. For heavens sake child SLEEEEEEEP

So, the next time you see a mother or a father that seems like they have just about had it. Try to sympathize with their situation. Remember when you were in that situation and how you felt. It probably wasn't that long ago...maybe 3o min ago. The parent/child melt downs are pretty often and you can never predict them. It just kinda happens.

And when a parent vents to you or mentions "i'm so tired" try to sympathize. Maybe even buy them a soy latte' with one pump of white chocolate!
What I am trying to say is...LET'S STICK TOGETHER. We are a team!! We are raising the next generation!! That is a major task and we need to be able to TALK to one another without trying to one up one another.


Ps: thank you to all the mothers in my life that allow me to vent. I love you all!

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